martes, 26 de abril de 2011
Michelle, ma belle
Michelle is a song of “The Beatles”. The first time that I heard was when I was 14 years old, a little boy. When I wanted know more about the band.
I liked this song because was really special, first the song have some in French (it isn’t not all in English)
The song makes me feel something for another person, maybe love, or a special feel, like a good feeling. Is very good when the song says “I love you, I love you, I love you. That's all I want to say”. Only one person knows what the feeling is, or I understand that, it's like a special connection.
The type of music is rock, but I think that is special, I want to say that the band has many metamorphoses, classic rock (rock and roll), psychedelic… rock. I don’t know all the changes.
I just say that my favorite part of the song is: “Michelle, ma belle. Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, Tres bien ensemble”
Maybe, is because is the part in French. But is really nice, and also this song remember me to one love in my high school years.
And that is my post for today. (One secret, I prefer urban music, like Calle 13, is my favorite band. But the teacher says us that we have to write a song in English)
Here is the link:
martes, 19 de abril de 2011
When I was a child, I loved technology and differents things that it offered me. I had a camera, an mp3. But, today, I think that it’s not necessary. I don’t know why. But I think that it’s not important for the life. Its object, we use in some moment, but, come on, we can live without all this things (I believe).
Ok, but that is my moralist lesson. But this is not the purpose of this post. I have to talk about one technology that I love. I think that there is some, my Super Nintendo.
The last year when I arrived to Santiago, I stool (yes I’m a thief, sometimes, be careful) this magic and beautiful object to my brother, but he stool first to my cousin. So, “He, who cheats a cheat and robs a thief, earns a dispensation for 100 years”.
So, I used it from the last year, I bought one play (Cassette): bomberman. But also, the robbery included different play: Super Mario word, Mario all star, Top Gear, Street fighter, Mario car, and many more, but in this moment I don’t remember all.
When I was bored I play super Nintendo. But it’s not too much. I always do my homework first, and then play. Sometime I want to play too much time, so I play all the late, or night.
I like it because is from the old school… and I enjoy playing…
And that is my comment for today, I don’t steal, really. Ok, you can believe that you want.
martes, 12 de abril de 2011
like anthropologist... (or not)
Dear reader:
Continue with the idea of write a topic that teacher designate, this week, my dear reader, I’m going to talk about me and my career.
Ok, when I was 16 years old, my philosophy’s teacher invited me to a course that she did in my school, the name of this course was Philosophic anthropology. So, I liked it. I don’t know in what moment, I took an interest in this discipline, I only remember that I didn’t want to decide for a career. I mean, I was a little boy that wanted to do many things. I loved take some photography, I participated in a group of visuals artists. In some moment I thought that photography and anthropology can be mixed. Today I think that is possible.
When I was 17 years old, I knew two anthropologists that lend me some book, a book of Levi Strauss, really difficult. But I liked the topic. Structure, language and culture.
But, when I started to know the career I understood that anthropology give me some tools to develop in different areas. Anthropology can contribute the debate, for example of human right.
Also, Anthropology can help to resolve some problem in different social areas: education, health, environmental impact, really there are too many subject.
I like the subject of education and environmental impact. I think that are important areas that anthropologist can contribute to resolve some problem.
In this moment, the career isn’t interesting for me. But, the magic of university is that you can participate in different group. I’m participating in “CESCC”, (CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS SOCIALES CRíTICOS). So, the group investigates two areas, Education (investigation of “Acceso”), and Work (investigation of “Retail”). I’m in “Retail”. The idea that I want to say is that the career not necessarily give the subject that you want, but also we should be an activity student in our academic life. So you can take the areas that want to develop and participate in different group.
martes, 5 de abril de 2011